About Us
Simple and efficient online contacts, billings and products application is what we’re best at.
So we want to share it with the world !
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication'(Leonard De Vinci)
Our Promises to You
Our first priority is only to serve you, whatever you are a particular, a startup, an organization,… Our full attention is focus only to help you so you can success. We aim to solve issues as soon as possible and create new features according to your wishes.
We have been in your position and we know how hard and challenges it could be. Our strategy is based on comments and exchange with our clients so we can build the best product ever. We also have committed to deliver new functionalities every 2 weeks because no one wants to wait months to be successful. We are here to help you.
Our price model is simple : you get all services no matter if you are a FREEMIUM or PREMIUM user. All new features are included, there is no extra cost hidden. You can adjust your plan month after month, and leave with your data anytime.
Our primary objective is for us to serve you only the best, whether you are a particular, an entrepreneur, a small company, ,,, We want to be part of your team!
Why We Are Doing That ?
Since a long time, we try to find a simple solution to centralize our contacts, invoices and manage up recurring tasks with our teams. In vain ….
- Tools : Using Excel or Word (as most of people) is not designed for – and more than limited. We are losing time, making mistakes, …
- Automation : Nobody wants to check and valid hundreds of estimates/invoices each month. It does not make sense to spend hours doing repetitive tasks. We need applications to support the business, and not be the application that support it !
- Infrastructure : How hard it could be to lose everything – papers, docs, contacts,,, Your entire life ! By centralizing all documents in one, safe and secure place, we are sure no data will be lost. Focus on your business, not on your archives.
- Collaboration : Want to share place with our staff – so everyone can update documents – simply and easily – no matter where they are.
So one day we decided to build a solution that will solve our problem and share it with everyone !